Audio does not pause when earbuds are removed

Sep 07,2022
Sep 07,2022 at 2:38 pm
Sep 07,2022 at 2:38 pm



I have brand new Air series earbuds and there is an issue with the in-ear auto detection. The audio does not pause when one or both of the earbuds are removed. Please can you help me enable this function?


I have read the FAQs which states the following:


"Please be aware that EarFun Air is equipped with capacitive in-ear detection technology. Only when the earbuds are properly worn, the touch control shall be enabled and meanwhile music will be automatically played, while the earbuds are not properly worn or not in the ears, the touch control shall hence be disabled and music will pause as well."


What does 'properly worn' mean in this case? All of the touch controls are properly working so I assume I am wearing them properly.


Thank you,


Report Reply
EarFun CS Team

Staff Member

Sep 08,2022 at 5:52 am
Sep 08,2022 at 5:52 am

Hi friend, 


Thanks for choosing EarFun. 


We have upgraded EarFun Air and the new version doesn't have in-ear detection. Could you please kindly send us your order number so we check the version of your earbuds?  Please email our customer service team via 




EarFun Customer Service Team


Report #1 Reply
Sep 08,2022 at 11:50 am
Sep 08,2022 at 11:50 am
EarFun CS Team said:

Hi friend, 


Thanks for choosing EarFun. 


We have upgraded EarFun Air and the new version doesn't have in-ear detection. Could you please kindly send us your order number so we check the version of your earbuds?  Please email our customer service team via 




EarFun Customer Service Team


Click for original message



Thank you for the quick reply. I placed my order on Amazon with order number 203-1516231-8892362.


The FAQs on this page clearly state that this model has in-ear detection:


Thank you

Report #2 Reply
Jan 06,2023 at 8:17 am
Jan 06,2023 at 8:17 am

Why have you removed this useful functionality? Surely that's a downgrade not an upgrade. 

are you planning to reimplement in-ear detection?

Report #3 Reply
Jul 10,2023 at 1:59 pm
Jul 10,2023 at 1:59 pm

I lost my Earfun pro 2 case so I purchased  the pro 3 as I really liked the feature that the music pauses when I take out 1 earbud to listen or answer anyone. I am really disappointed that the pro 3 does not have this feature. My audio book keeps on playing even though I am unable to listen as the earbuds are not in my ear. The buds continues even though both the earbuds are taken out. 

Report #4 Reply

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