EarFun Air S earbuds will not play music on any device...

Sep 24,2023
Sep 24,2023 at 12:40 am
Sep 24,2023 at 12:40 am

I bought your ear buds back in July of this year in Singapore... they worked fine in store... but once I got home, I have not been able to play any music through any device I pair them too?! Interestingly to add though, I can make calls through the earbuds but that is all, I can not use them to listen to music or videos.

I have read through some of the posts and threads in your forums and I have tried the usual tricks:

-deleted the bluetooth profile and re-pair earbuds again (across multiple devices).

-ensured full charged in case and out of case for ear buds.

-when I first connect the earbuds, I hear 'connected' but thats it... and when I try to play through my iphone or android (or any other device); I press play, and the song or video will not play!!! (Let alone have any sound come through anyway)!


So can some one please assist as this is getting very frustrating, to say the least especially only 3 months old and this all I get, for nothing!!!

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EarFun CS Team

Staff Member

Sep 25,2023 at 7:57 am
Sep 25,2023 at 7:57 am

Hi friend, 


Thanks for choosing EarFun. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


Did you connect the earbuds to two devices at the same time when this issue occurred?


We kindly suggest you upgrade the system of your phones and the firmware of the earbuds, reboot your phones and then reset and reconnect the earbuds to one device at a time to test whether it is still the same issue. 


Step 1. Delete the old connection from the Bluetooth device.

Step 2. Place both earbuds into the charging case.

Step 3. Keep the charging case open, then press and hold the charging case button for at least 8 seconds until the LED indicator on both earbuds flash in purple.

Step 4. Search and reconnect “EarFun Air S".


Kindly note that if you connect the earbuds to two devices at the same time and you want to play the music on device B while the earbuds are already playing the music on device A, you need to pause the music on device A then you can play the music on device B. Please kindly have a try. 


If the above method still could not solve your issues, please kindly contact the corresponding local service center to seek help.


EarFun Service Centre email: info@deltapoint.com.sg

Tel: 6287 6881


Thanks for your understanding.




EarFun Customer Service Team


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