Earfun Free Pro 3?

Feb 07,2023
Feb 07,2023 at 9:53 pm
Feb 07,2023 at 9:53 pm

LOVED the original Earfun Free Pros. Wingtip, low profile, and they didn't sit really far in your ear canal

Please release an update with Bluetooth 5.3 LE, Multi Point connection, app support, battery life in the 6hr with ANC, and extra emphasis on the microphone?

I will literally buy 2 of these to just have around I loved the originals so much.

They were literal all around awesome buds. Unfortunately I put mine through the wash, my fault. Just waiting for an update before I splurge on another pair.


Any information on a possible release would be amazing, I'd even buy a pair and give feedback!


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