Help! Earfun Uboom L bricked after failed update

Jul 08,2024
Jul 08,2024 at 6:48 pm
Jul 08,2024 at 6:48 pm


Hi everybody!  



I've spent the whole afternoon trying to downgrade my new Earfun UBOOM L's firmware to the apparently best sounding 0.4.3 version. When I try to do it with the MultiMedia Product Tool, it fails. I've tried different versions of the program, different PC's, different Windows versions, different firmware versions... I would like to think the speaker is fully charged as they demanded. It's been charging for like two hours but I can't see its battery level anymore: the speaker is bricked and I'm desperate. 


This is what the log says: 



`2024-06-06 20:31:48 Application Startup...`


`2024-06-06 20:32:17 DEVICE1:101 (2M) (2M) FW_CHECK_FAILED("None" in fwsp.BaseFirmwareOP.WRITE_FILE(, line 1233))`


`2024-06-06 20:32:17 Device 1:101 failed: (2M) FW_CHECK_FAILED, took 8 seconds (45%)`



Thank you guys.


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EarFun CS Team

Staff Member

Jul 09,2024 at 1:21 am
Jul 09,2024 at 1:21 am

Hi Friend,


Thanks for choosing EarFun. 


Please kindly shoot a video to show the issue and send us your order number to our customer service team:



EarFun Customer Service Team

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