How to Update my Firmware

Feb 20,2023
Feb 20,2023 at 10:34 pm
Feb 20,2023 at 10:34 pm

I currently have two EarFun UBoom L, and one is on firmware 0.4.5 and the other 0.5.0, and I think this might be causing an issue with the TWS. I'd like to update the firmware on the 0.4.5 to 0.5.0, but I can't find a guide on how to do it, or the relevant firmware files.

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EarFun CS Team

Staff Member

Apr 20,2023 at 9:54 am
Apr 20,2023 at 9:54 am

Hi friend, 


Thanks for choosing EarFun. Sorry for the late reply. 


Please click this link to download the files and follow the instructions to update the firmware.




EarFun Customer Service Team

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