Improve earbuds battery lifespan: limit charge to 80%

Sep 22,2023
Sep 22,2023 at 8:17 am
Sep 22,2023 at 8:17 am

Are there any plans to limit the state of charge of the earbuds to 80%?

It is well known that charging only to 80% can double or even triple the lifespan of the battery when compared to always charging to 100%.


The fact that the earbuds get charged whenever they're in the case, it means that the state of charge will likely be at 100% most of the time. This can dramatically reduce the lifespan of the battery and deem the earbuds unusable in just a couple of years :/

Ideally, the case would stop charging the earbuds as soon as their state of charge reaches 80%. Or at least we should be able to configure this threshold via the app.

Is this firmware upgrade planned?

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