Mobile App for Headphones

Jan 08,2022
Jan 08,2022 at 6:23 pm
Jan 08,2022 at 6:23 pm

I wonder if Earfun has any plan to develop the mobile app for your headphones.

Earfun has some amazing products with solid build quality and well balaned out-of-box sound profile. However, more and more people feel the need to customise or fine tune their units to get the best personalised experience, which is not possible at this point. Sometimes this is a deal breaker unfortunately.

It will really be a good add-on if a mobile app with 

PS: I am also interested to know if Earfun has any roadmap for over-ear headphones. I truly believe Earfun has the ability to do that and do it well.

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Jan 10,2022 at 7:1 am
Jan 10,2022 at 7:1 am

I have the same wish as you.  I think earfun is developing an EQ control app already.  Really looking forward to it

Report #1 Reply
Jun 15,2022 at 9:57 am
Jun 15,2022 at 9:57 am

This is the latest answer given be the Earfun Support, so there will be never ever any app support for models like my Earfun Air Pro,...


"Sorry. The app will be only compatible with the latest Air Pro SV and subsequent models. It couldn't manage the previous model due to the software or firmware difference between different earbuds. "

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