My headphones don't seem to be in sync

Nov 26,2024
Nov 26,2024 at 7:5 am
Nov 26,2024 at 7:5 am

A little while back, I started having an issue where the left earbud wasn't playing anything while the right one was, and it was flashing blue. I figured it was out of juice, so I charged the case with them in it overnight. I know it was charging, and the right earbud was working still, just as it should. 

Then, before it was fully charged (which, this was stupid of me, because I didn't get to see if it was a charging issue before I did it) I got frustrated and thought that I should try the age old "turn it off and back on again". Thinking it was some weird connection problem, where one was connecting and the other wasn't, I had my phone (google pixel 6) forget the device. Now, my headphones refuse to show up on my phone, and so I'm not able to see if charging them helped (because I forgot them before they were fully charged), but I don't think it did, because when I open the case, they flash out of sync with each other. 

I tried connecting them to my computer to see if my phone is the problem, and it's the same problem: one connects, the other flashes blue and doesn't.

So, seriously no clue. I've tried restarting my phone. They still won't show up when I try to pair a new device, I've tried turning Bluetooth on and off again. I'm so frustrated because I just am not tech savvy, and can't even get them to connect properly or even show up anymore!

And, charging and forgetting the device doesn't seem to have fixed the original issue! Please help, I'm so lost... 😭😭

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