Earfun Air Pro 3 sync and left earbud issues

Feb 12,2024
Feb 12,2024 at 9:18 pm
Feb 12,2024 at 9:18 pm

I purchased the earfun Air Pro 3 on Sunday, 29 Oct, 2023. The earbuds worked fine but as of recent the left earbud has been problematic. There are a few observations I have made. 

1 . I reset the earbuds and wait for the purple light to flash. Then, I remove the earbuds from the case, and put them in my ears. I scan for pairable devices on my phone and Earbud air pro 3 shows up but upon clicking they don't pair (and I have tried with other phones as well). Then, if I tap on either of my earbuds, they say "Power on" and then enter pairing even though they were flashing blue before I put them in my ears.  I can get them to pair as separate devices at this point.

Both earbuds are charged although  the left earbud seems to be draining a lot quicker as I removed it from the case well after the right (which is still at 100%)

2. Even if the left earbud is connected as a separate device, it will randomly shut off without any sort of low battery or power off message and if I manage to turn it on again and connect it, it's battery will be pretty high (usually 80 - 100%)

3. The left earbud often doesn't even turn off despite the case being charged and even removing it from the case and tapping the side doesn't get it to work.


I used the Earfun air before this and it worked perfectly. However, the Air Pro 3 has started malfunctioning within 4 months. I keep my earbuds clean and clean them regularly. I have also followed the common solution offered by earfun on the forums with the "charge for 2 hours" step to no avail.  I even sent an email which hasn't been responded to for 3 days.


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EarFun CS Team

Staff Member

Feb 22,2024 at 9:28 am
Feb 22,2024 at 9:28 am

Hi Friend,


Thanks for choosing EarFun.


So sorry for the misunderstanding caused by the system. You sent us an email on Feb 10, and we responded to you the same day. If you do not receive the email, please check whether our email has been automatically classified as spam. 


Looking forward to hearing from you.




EarFun Customer Service Team

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