Earfun Air Pro 3 won't connect for voice on Windows 10

May 10,2023
May 10,2023 at 4:57 pm
May 10,2023 at 4:57 pm


My Earfun Air Pro 3's will only connect for Music, and not Voice on my Windows 10 laptop. I've updated to the most up to date firmware, and have disconnected them from my phone (in case that was causing a conflict). Nothing seems to work. Ths is frustrating, as i can't take calls on my laptop with them. This option worked fine on my previous Earfun Air Pro 1's. 

Can you assist?


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EarFun CS Team

Staff Member

May 26,2023 at 9:23 am
May 26,2023 at 9:23 am

Hi Eugene, 


Thanks for choosing EarFun. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. 


May we know the model of your laptop and which application you use?


We kindly suggest you reboot your laptop and then reset and reconnect the earbuds per the updated steps:


Step 1: Delete the old connection from the Bluetooth device.

Step 2: Place both earbuds into the charging case.

Step 3: Keep the charging case open, then press and hold the charging case button for at least 8s until both earbuds flash in purple, then earbuds have been reset successfully.

Step 4: Search and reconnect “EarFun Air Pro 3".


When the earbuds are connected to your laptop, then you may go to the audio setting of your laptop to choose the earbuds as the audio input device and output device. You should also enable the Microphone permission of your APPs.


If the above methods still could not solve your issues, please email our customer service team via service@myearfun.com or submit the warranty ticket on our official website: https://www.myearfun.com/process-warranty. EarFun provides an 18-month warranty for every product. Your satisfaction is always greatly important to us.




EarFun Customer Service Team

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