Earfun Air Pro no good at all, Firmware Update highly recommended

Jul 31,2022
Jul 31,2022 at 1:25 am
Jul 31,2022 at 1:25 am

Earfun sucks, don‘t know what the hell  led me to decide to buy this buds once but this decision wasn‘t any good at all. For example….the left bud recognize an tip when i eat something or when i brush tooth so the music pauses and starts again and pauses and starts again. And no one is able to change any settings of the buds as there is still no app support until now. Another issue of this bad choice buy ever buds, the left bud stops playing often and this will only be changed with setting buds in the case and resetting them.


App support for them? Firmware Update for them?


 All in alll no good advice to buy Earfun products.


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EarFun CS Team

Staff Member

Aug 02,2022 at 10:16 am
Aug 02,2022 at 10:16 am

Hi friend,


Thanks for choosing EarFun. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


We are afraid that it may be caused by the in-ear detection function.  We kindly suggest you try switching other ear tips we offer to you and then wiggle tightly the earbuds to the best place to wear to have a try.  You can also use some small stickers to blcok the light sensor area to check whether it is still the same issue.


Hope the above suggestions work.




EarFun Customer Service Team


Report #1 Reply
Aug 02,2022 at 8:7 pm
Aug 02,2022 at 8:7 pm



sorry, but only the largest tips fit for me, if i use the other two pairs of tips the buds will constantly fall out of my ears.  And to block the sensor of the right bud with something? What an advise to do. What about making an firmware update available to be able to cancel any commands on that bud???? This buds will be the last product i will have bought  from earfun because the products of earfun aren't funny anyway. Less app support and bad usage.

Tried this with blocking the sensor and guess what, i can't chose noise reduction mode anymore and can only chose between ambient sound and normal mode, rubbish these buds and what a shame for Earfun.

Not ever any other product from Earfun!




Report #2 Reply
Sep 17,2022 at 2:47 am
Sep 17,2022 at 2:47 am

Finally sold my Earfun Air Pro's to an very low price wiith the hint with the problems they have, so that there wouldn't be bad surprises, never ever Earfun again. Such an company should stop producing anything!


Folks, stop buying Earfun producta, there isn't any funny thing on them.

Report #3 Reply

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