Firmware Upgrade bricked Earfun UBOOM L?

Jul 20,2022
Jul 20,2022 at 2:22 pm
Jul 20,2022 at 2:22 pm


I downloaded the firmware and upgrade soft from this page:

However, during upgrade, I received several errors:

2022-07-20 16:12:38 Application Startup...

2022-07-20 16:12:51 DEVICE1:206 (2M) (2M) CLEAR_VDFS_FAILED("None" in fwsp.BaseFirmwareOP.ERASE_FLASH(, line 685))

2022-07-20 16:12:52 Device 1:206 failed: (2M) CLEAR_VDFS_FAILED, took 1 seconds (35%)

2022-07-20 16:13:39 DEVICE1:206 (2M) (2M) CLEAR_VDFS_FAILED("None" in fwsp.BaseFirmwareOP.ERASE_FLASH(, line 685))

2022-07-20 16:13:39 Device 1:206 failed: (2M) CLEAR_VDFS_FAILED, took 1 seconds (35%)

2022-07-20 16:14:13 DEVICE1:206 (2M) CLEAR_BOOT_FAILED

2022-07-20 16:14:13 Device 1:206 failed: (2M) CLEAR_BOOT_FAILED, took 1 seconds (35%)

Now, it will not even turn on. It is always found by the firmware upgrade tool, but the firmware never once was successful in completion. The reboot and reset is not doing anything to help revert the situation.

Can you at least provide me with original firmware that the speaker was sent with, so I can try reverting to it? If not, are there any other ways? The instruction is only written with succesful ugprade in mind, no instructions for the failure. 

Best regards,


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EarFun CS Team

Staff Member

Jul 21,2022 at 1:35 am
Jul 21,2022 at 1:35 am

Hi friend,


Thanks for choosing EarFun. Sorry to hear that.


We kindly suggest you try another device and USB cable to upgrade the firmware.


Update Notes:

1. Please fully charge the speaker first. (If the speaker is not fully charged and plugged into the laptop, insufficient power supply will cause the update to fail.)

2. Find a USB-C cable with data channel. (Kindly note that the original USB cable doesn't work.)

3. Place the speaker on the desktop, do not move the speaker or the cable.

4. If the update is unsuccessful, please try again a few times. 


If the upgrade still fails, please email to our customer service team via and we will provide you with the original firmware to try.




EarFun Customer Service Team


Report #1 Reply
Aug 01,2022 at 1:13 pm
Aug 01,2022 at 1:13 pm


Sorry, nothing worked, it seems bricked.

I decided to return them to Amazon, wasn't fun of sound signature anyway.



Report #2 Reply
Jul 10,2024 at 11:55 am
Jul 10,2024 at 11:55 am

I fixed the problem.

1. i made sure i had the latest version of multimedia tool

2. i held down all 6 buttons for about 20 second so it flashed up 2 times doing so. 

3. i then proceeded to connect to pc with bluetooth button held on and could flash the new image. 


Report #3 Reply

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