How to increase volume

Dec 04,2022
Dec 04,2022 at 2:15 pm
Dec 04,2022 at 2:15 pm

Is there a way to increase volume beyond factory settings? I am getting a little hard of hearing (that age thing) and bought the ear buds for use with my TV so I can keep tv volume normal for my wife. Buds' max volume  isn't quite enough for me  and I can't afford thousands for true hearing aids.

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Dec 08,2022 at 12:14 pm
Dec 08,2022 at 12:14 pm

Different brands frequently do not make their own products. Even if they do the final assembly they usually buy the parts. Nembutal for sale I used to give tours to my customers at the JBL factory in Northridge, CA. There were parts that we made in-house because we could charge a lot for the final product and parts that we bought from others to be competitive in the market

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Jan 12,2023 at 2:44 pm
Jan 12,2023 at 2:44 pm

Hi, just a comment, it might help.

I am  hard of hearing and normally wear hearing aids, and use headphones,  but I have just bought a pair of Earfun free 2s, and  found they were not as loud a I had hoped, also the base was poor to what I had hoped, which I put down to my hearing. So I thought back to my headphones.

Yesterday, as I had left the tips on that came with them, I decided to have a play and swap them, and to my amazement, when I evetually tried the largest tips, the sound was transformed, much louder and the base as nearly as good as my headphones. I had not used earbuds before, so had no idea the difference the tips would make, so have a try if you have not already. I had left the largest tips to the last because I thought they would be too big, just goes to show.

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