I lost one of my earbuds for my EarFun Pro 2's, any replacement options?

Mar 20,2023
Mar 20,2023 at 6:18 pm
Mar 20,2023 at 6:18 pm

I've had my Pro 2's for a while now, though i've lost one of my earbuds and have not been able to find it. Are there any options that would let me buy a replacement earbud?

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EarFun CS Team

Staff Member

Apr 14,2023 at 9:52 am
Apr 14,2023 at 9:52 am

Hi friend, 


Thanks for choosing EarFun. We are sorry to hear that.


We are afraid that the earbuds or the charging case won't be sold alone, sorry for the inconvenience. How about we offer you a discount code for one pair and you may reorder the product again? But please kindly offer us the order number to check first.


 Please email our customer service team via service@myearfun.com. 




EarFun Customer Service Team

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