Problems with Microsoft teams

Aug 22,2022
Cesar Bolivar
Aug 22,2022 at 2:24 pm
Aug 22,2022 at 2:24 pm

I am Using a Microsoft Surface  i connected without a problems but if I use the Microsoft Teams video conference utility  the earfun Pro 2 makes the voice of the person talking mechanical almost robotic imposible to understand, i have used it with other devices without a problem, how can I solve this issue?

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EarFun CS Team

Staff Member

Aug 27,2022 at 5:6 am
Aug 27,2022 at 5:6 am

Hi friend, 


Thanks for choosing EarFun. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


If the earbuds work normally with your other devices, we are afraid that there is no quality issue with the earbuds. 


As for the issue you encountered, we kindly suggest you try the below steps.


1. Upgrade the system of your computer, restart the computer and then reset and reconnect the earbuds per the updated steps:


Step 1: Delete the old connection from the Bluetooth device.

Step 2: Place both earbuds into the charging case.

Step 3: Keep the charging case open, press and hold the charging case button for at least 8s until both earbuds flash in purple, then earbuds have been reset successfully.

Step 4: Search and reconnect “EarFun Air Pro 2".


2. When the earbuds are connected to your laptop, then you may go to the audio setting of your laptop to choose the earbuds as audio input device and output device.


3. You may also need to make sure the input device and output device of your APP are the earbuds.


Hope the above suggestions work. 




EarFun Customer Service Team


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