Stereo music playing issue on laptop / phone // earfun air pro 3

May 24,2023
May 24,2023 at 6:18 am
May 24,2023 at 6:18 am


Just received today from Amazon and been using it since.. I have noticed that depending on sound mode I experience with these problems.




You can test with video call or playing below video on any devices:




Tried Noise Cancelling mode / Ambient Sound mode / Normal Mode




During a call with Microsoft Teams or any video call or playing above video from any device


Sound lost/stopped for a second / uncomfortable sound when switching between left & right sound.


This happens mainly when earphone is in Noise Cancelling mode & Normal mode. Ambient mode is totally fine..


it will be like either 1) one of side sound lost or 2) one of side sound stops for a second or two seconds then play again 3) when sound switching between  it's very un-naturally switching sound (you hear boom sound when sound switching from left to right or right to left)




I did hard reset as well (like pressing button 8+ seconds after putting them into open case then re-connect)


I am using Dell laptop (new-ish one) and Galaxy S21 plus for testing, and both are like that.


Is there anything that I can do? or is this same experience for other people?

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EarFun CS Team

Staff Member

May 26,2023 at 9:34 am
May 26,2023 at 9:34 am

Hi friend, 


Thanks for choosing EarFun. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. 


We will give feedback to our product team to test. 




EarFun Customer Service Team

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