Unstable connectivity on LC3 codec with Pixel 7 and EarFun Air Pro 3

Feb 22,2023
Feb 22,2023 at 11:46 pm
Feb 22,2023 at 11:46 pm

I have recently tried the LC3 codec on my Pixel 7 device with my EarFun Air Pro 3.

After activating the LC3 codec on my phone it worked for a while, but I started experiencing connection dropouts.

Eventually after putting the buds in the case and getting them out they would not play any sound anymore using the LC3 codec.

So I am back on APTX adaptive again and the buds again work  as normal.

Also when I used the LC3 codec I don't have any access to the EarFun app.
Can this be solved via a firmware update? Right now I can't really stability use my buds using the LC3 codec.

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EarFun CS Team

Staff Member

Mar 03,2023 at 9:18 am
Mar 03,2023 at 9:18 am

Hi friend, 


Thanks for choosing EarFun. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. 


 About the problem that the earbuds go silent when LE audio is turned on, our engineers tested and found that it may be a problem with the mobile phone: the mobile phone actively disconnects the audio connection with the earbuds, which cannot be controlled by the earbuds. Hence, we are afraid that this problem can only be solved by updating and repairing LE audio protocols on the mobile phone.  Sorry for any inconvenience caused. 


As for the app connection issue, since LE audio is a very new technology, we are analyzing the LE Audio compatibility issue and we will solve it through OTA in the future. 


 If you have any questions, please email our customer service team via service@myearfun.com or submit the warranty ticket on our official website: https://www.myearfun.com/process-warranty. EarFun provides an 18-month warranty for every product. Your satisfaction is always greatly important to us.




EarFun Customer Service Team

Report #1 Reply
Mar 16,2023 at 7:34 am
Mar 16,2023 at 7:34 am

Hi EarFun CS Team,

May I know what device you use to test the earbuds?  I really want to try LE audio but also looking for a reliable device to do so.

Report #2 Reply
Oct 20,2023 at 9:4 pm
Oct 20,2023 at 9:4 pm
U439628047 said:

Hi EarFun CS Team,

May I know what device you use to test the earbuds?  I really want to try LE audio but also looking for a reliable device to do so.

Click for original message

The response you get seems to vary based on who you get. Download the le OTA and Gaia from earfun. Follow the instructions reboot the device reboot the phone. Connect the buds. Turn on LE in pixel settings under Bluetooth. The buds will disconnect and then reconnect but they will have no audio. Go back into Gaia and connect to the headphones listed. Once they connect in Gaia you will hear two Bluetooth connected notifications and then guy will say device no longer connected. At that point. Ellie works fine. I have not confirmed quality long-term. I have had issues with Samsung buds 2 pro but I'm optimistic since these earbuds are awesome and every other way.

Report #3 Reply

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