App Support Incoming?

Mar 02,2022
Mar 02,2022 at 5:38 am
Mar 02,2022 at 5:38 am

It seems the Air Pro SV will be getting app support, so I wonder if the Free Pro 2 or any other models will as well? 



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Mar 04,2022 at 8:9 pm
Mar 04,2022 at 8:9 pm

No unfortunately, at least not at the moment.

Report #1 Reply
Mar 04,2022 at 8:38 pm
Mar 04,2022 at 8:38 pm
U931576981 said:

No unfortunately, at least not at the moment.

Click for original message

Pain.  Let's hope, that this year the compatibility will expand to the Free Pro 2's, Air Pro 2's, Free Minis, and Free 2's



Report #2 Reply
Mar 06,2022 at 12:9 am
Mar 06,2022 at 12:9 am

That's too bad. The Free Pro 2 could really use app support for controls. It'd be nice to have reverse track. 


Report #3 Reply
Mar 18,2022 at 12:58 pm
Mar 18,2022 at 12:58 pm
Piorun said:

Pain.  Let's hope, that this year the compatibility will expand to the Free Pro 2's, Air Pro 2's, Free Minis, and Free 2's



Click for original message

There is unofficial support. Use AirReps156X on Google Play. Full parametric EQ and you change what some of the controls do (haven't tried that myself).


The Earfun app has the same functions with better UX/UI and limited EQ. For beginners that 3 band graphic EQ is fine but with this you can fine tune it and make it sound completely different.


To expand on that, any earbuds with Airoha chipsets will work with the app. Air Pro 2 is the only one that I know of that has compatibility issues and won't save the EQ.  Enjoy :)


As a safety precaution, use at your own risk!


(Also hi from CrDroid Telegram 😉)

Report #4 Reply
Jun 15,2022 at 6:49 am
Jun 15,2022 at 6:49 am

As it is to read in the app, only a bad joke i guess:


"An easy-to-control app for EarFun wireless earbuds and audio products"


"Earbuds and audio products" is limited to the EarFun Air Pro SV....


This is such bad support that if it not will be made soon possible to add more than this one i never ever will  buy an Earfun product again.

Report #5 Reply

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