Brand new EarFun-Air only one bud working at a time

Jan 13,2025
Jan 13,2025 at 10:38 am
Jan 13,2025 at 10:38 am

New EarFun have arrived but although both buds are connected -  whichever bud i connect last is the only one which plays. So there doesn't seem to be a fault with either one as they both are able to play music. 

As they have charged only for 10 minutes i'm following advice to charge for 2 hours - though i'm not sure how that alone would solve it. The issue that either might be dirty (brand new) doesn't seem to the case if both are able to work individually?

How do I get them both to connect and play at the same time as expected?

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Jan 13,2025 at 1:14 pm
Jan 13,2025 at 1:14 pm

Was getting 2 bluetooth connections showing in my device list. Went into each and 'forgot each device'. Then re-paired where this time it connected to only on EarFunAir device (both rather than a single individual ear as it had done the first time).

So now enjoying the new buds!

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