Difference Between Noise Reduction, Ambient Sound and Normal

May 12,2022
May 12,2022 at 11:21 pm
May 12,2022 at 11:21 pm

I need more information on these listening modes of the Air Pro.

  • The Noise Reduction (ANC mode?) seems to have a larger bass response. And it consumes battery power more/faster, if I read the feature part right
  • Ambient Sound & Normal: I don't know the difference. I think either of these modes extend battery power to longer hours

For those listening to music, the Noise Reduction mode is recommended, right?

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Sean Jay

Staff Member

May 13,2022 at 6:27 am
May 13,2022 at 6:27 am

Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) uses a noise cancelling system to reduce unwanted background noise.

The system is based on microphones that “listen” to the sounds outside and inside of the earphone, an ANC chipset inverting the soundwaves and a speaker inside the earphone cancelling the outside sound by the neutralising soundwaves.

Therefore, when ANC is in effect, it will consume more power.

Report #1 Reply
Sean Jay

Staff Member

May 13,2022 at 6:41 am
May 13,2022 at 6:41 am

Ambient sound is basically just background noise.

The buzz of traffic, the sound of rain, birds and bees rambling through nature… all of these noises add to the ambience.

Some people want to get rid of this noise—and all background noise—so they opt for ANC.

Please note: Ambient sound mode doesn’t let you listen to all of the sounds around you. If you want to do that, you should probably take your headphones out.

And Normal is just normal, i don't know.

Report #2 Reply
Mar 12,2023 at 2:45 pm
Mar 12,2023 at 2:45 pm

It would be very good if Earfun let us know, by their words in their manual (Earfun Air Pro 3), what they mean by  "Noise Reduction", "Ambient Sound" and "Normal". I  read the explanations above from Sean Jay but are they correct? What "Normal" means? 

With some help from the explanations above I did a little summary, but I am not absolutely sure that it is correct:

"Noise Reduction" - Use of ANC processing ("QuietSmart™ 2.0 Hybrid Active Noise Cancellation up to 43dB").  Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) uses a noise-canceling system to reduce unwanted background noise. The system is based on microphones that “listen” to the sounds outside and inside of the earphone, an ANC chipset (QCC3071) inverts the soundwaves and the speaker inside the earphone cancels the outside sound by neutralizing some soundwaves. When  ANC is in effect, it consumes more power. When people want to get rid of the outside noise — all the background noise — they opt for ANC.

"Ambient sound" - The earbuds let pass the background noise (they capture it and mix it with the audio that they are transmitting). The buzz of traffic, the sound of rain, birds, and bees rambling through nature… all of these noises add to the ambiance. Please note: Ambient sound mode doesn’t let you listen to all the sounds around you. If you want that, you should take your earphones out.

"Normal" - Audio/sound with any processing, except the normal one of the digital codecs, as "trivial" earbuds? It is like all the earbuds that do not have noise canceling.  Audio/sound with any processing as "trivial" earbuds? I think so but ...


Wish list

It would be nice if the user could control the amount of canceling in mode "Noise reduction" and, above all, control the amount of external ambient sound that is mixed with the normal audio in "Ambient sound", so we would be able to hear someone speaking near us or, better, it cuts the audio when someone talks near us (maybe another mode, "Conversation mode"?)  :)

It would be nice if the Equalizer would have more frequencies that could be controlled between 1.000Hz and 8.000Hz.

It would be able that we could control the Equalizer differently for each earbud (left and right).

Note: I only have the earbuds since yesterday so ... 

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