Ear Fun constantly pauses or disconnects from any source

Oct 13,2023
Oct 13,2023 at 3:42 pm
Oct 13,2023 at 3:42 pm

I'm about to give up on my Air Pros, which is a shame because they are not even 1.5 years old.  They disconnect from any source (MacBook Pro, iPhone, TV, Tablet etc) at random and constantly pause/play, pause/play playback of any source, plus they refuse to connect to Android/Fire devices.  I've tried all the troubleshooting steps, cleaned them, unpaired and paired, changed ear tip sizes, etc, nothing works.  The only time they seem to work right is when I use one (right side) as a cell phone ear piece for phone calls.  They sound great when they work but they just don't work and unfortunately are now out of warranty.   Any advice or do I just throw them away at this point?  

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