EarFun Community Guidelines & Code of Conduct

Dec 31,2021
EarFun Admin

Staff Member

Dec 31,2021 at 11:6 am
Dec 31,2021 at 11:6 am

Welcome to the EarFun Community!

Happy New Year & Wish all of you a wonderful 2022! We are here to gratefully announce that our EarFun Community is formally launched in the January of 2022. Welcome to our EarFun Community where you can get all the latest news and other information!

The EarFun Official Community is a great place for you to get official newsletters, share your insights and thoughts with tech enthusiasts, Professionals, EarFun fans, staff members, and make many friends from different countries.

In order to keep creating a friendly and helpful atmosphere, we request that you review the Community’s Guidelines & Code of Conduct at first and follow them when contributing to our community. We really hope that our members discuss around EarFun related topics such as design, functionality, technology, experience, suggestions and etc. Please review the rules and guidelines below.

Thank you for joining our EarFun Community!

  • Code of Conduct – EarFun strives to provide a friendly and helpful environment for all members. Members should share posts and engage with others in a manner that is respectful and civil. If you disagree with someone’s opinions, please do so in a polite manner. Members who do not obey the code of conduct will be banned/removed or temporarily suspended from our Community and their content may have been removed. We do not accept the following actions:
      • Inappropriate language including violent, sexual or offensive content.
      • Ads, Spam and/or scams
      • Any harassment or hateful conduct, including racism, sexism, discrimination, hate speech, bullying, or targeted attacks
      • Any violent conduct: extreme violence, graphic violence, threats, gore, obscenities
      • Content based on religious, racial or political beliefs is not the topic of these Communities and therefore is not allowed.
      •  Automated activity of any kind.
      • Copyright or intellectual property violations
      • Illegal activity
      • Impersonating other users
      • Harming others or acting maliciously
      • Sharing of private information (a.k.a. doxing)
  • Sharing Relevant content - Members are asked to publish and respond to threads focusing on relevant areas of discussion. Conversations that refer to inappropriate or irrelevant topics will be removed by the community team. If you post a thread that is very similar to already posted ones, it may get merged or closed by EarFun team. Posting the same content repeatedly on the Community constitutes spamming and will be warned accordingly.
  • Writing guidelines - Please ensure that new threads have appropriately relevant and descriptive subject lines to allow for clear understanding for our community members. While we are proud to have team members from many different countries and cultures, who speak many different languages, we’re keeping the EarFun community using English now. As such, members are politely asked to only post in English, and please note that the community team will be allowed to edit or remove threads that do not follow writing guidelines.
  • Using the search function - We would ask that new members please use the search function before starting a new discussion. Other members may have already shared an opinion or insights on the specific topic and addressed the question you are about to ask, which saves you a great deal of time.
  • Editing threads - The EarFun community team reserves the right to edit, or remove any threads at any time in case the content disobeys our community guidelines. A notification will then be sent to users to explain the reason why a thread has been modified, closed, or removed.
  • Moderating when needed- To help us keep the Community working smoothly, we rely on a team of friendly moderators and experts. These community members work tirelessly to make our community better by helping users, and enforcing these rules when needed.
  • Off-topic discussion - If for any reason you find yourself engaged in an off-topic discussion, please move to a more pertinent thread or continue via private messages. Equally, when creating a thread, please ensure there is a topic to discuss which is relevant to the community.
  • One Account Per User – In EarFun community, everyone’s voice should be equal. So users are allowed one account only. Users found to be using multiple accounts may have all accounts banned and/or removed. This includes accounts created to circumvent bans. Similarly, accounts impersonating staff, other users or celebrities will also be banned and removed.

In general, we expect members of this community to conduct themselves with civility, respect, and understanding. Please note that the people who do not obey the guidelines above may result in temporary or permanent bans from the EarFun Community, or further action if required.

Last but not least, let’s create a community where we can share your insights and opinions, present unique opportunities, bring you closer to the EarFun, and make your voices heard.

Again, have fun, welcome, and thank all for joining our new community!

– The EarFun Team

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by EarFun Admin Dec 31,2021

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