Frequently Asked Questions

Dec 31,2021
EarFun Admin

Staff Member

Dec 31,2021 at 11:21 am
Dec 31,2021 at 11:21 am

Here are a couple of frequently asked questions about the EarFun Community. We’ll be reediting and adding to this as time goes by.


Who can use the EarFun Community community?

We’re focusing on building a high-quality community. To begin with, while anyone will be able to visit and see the Community Essentials and News & Announcements categories, only investors and invited community members will be able to access the rest of the community and post threads of their own.


How can I become a member?

Non-investors can register their interest in joining the EarFun Community here:  Click Here.


What can I post on the community?

We encourage community members to post about topics related to EarFun.You can find more information about the discussion boards in the Getting Started thread. Please also make sure that you have read through our Community Guidelines & Code of Conduct.


Who will read what I post on the community?

Anyone can read anything posted in the News & Announcement, technology, Reviews, Fitness, Games, Music, Deals & Steals, Ideas and Suggestions,  Community Essentials categories.


What do I do if I think a post breaches the Community Guidelines or Code of Conduct?

Any user can report a post using the “Report” action. You will then be able to select or specify a reason for the report.


Why has my post disappeared?

Your post may have been reported or removed for breaching the EarFun Community Guidelines Code of Conduct and has been removed by an EarFun Community Team. We will also inform the posting member if a post needs removing and why their posts have been removed. 

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