Getting Started

Dec 31,2021
EarFun Admin

Staff Member

Dec 31,2021 at 11:14 am
Dec 31,2021 at 11:14 am

Welcome to the EarFun Community!

Happy New Year & Wish all of you a wonderful 2022! We are here to gratefully announce that our EarFun Community is formally launched in the January of 2022. Welcome to our EarFun Community where you can get all the latest news and other information!

The community is split into several discussion board categories, and to help you get started, here’s a little overview in each of them:

  • Community Essentials: As you might expect from the name, this category contains all of the information you need to get started here in the EarFun community. Be sure to check out the Community Guidelines and the Community FAQ before you dive further in.
  • News & Announcements: This is a place where you’ll find updates about our products, and any newsletters direct from the EarFun Official team. You’ll also find a welcome note from our team, co-founder, and CEO. 

The categories above form the From The Team section of the community. Underneath these are a number of community chat categories–discussion boards where you can post messages, start threads and respond to other users. If you’re looking for a good place to start, head over to the welcome thread and introduce yourself. We’ve also got dedicated boards for the following:

Reviews: This is a proper space for talking about EarFun products. As we release more products in the future, we’ll create other subcategories.

Music: We believe that Music forms the soul of audio products. This is a board for discussing any music-related topic!

Fitness: Health is essential! Use this category for any topic related to physical fitness and mental fitness about EarFun Music with EarFun products not only brings a great deal of energy physically but heals your soul and helps you sleep well. Talk about the topic regarding fitness here! 

Games: This is a section for the people who are interested in Games. Whatever you are playing RPG, ACT, MUG, or other kinds of games, this is an interesting place for you to discuss Games-related subjects!

Technology: Are you a tech enthusiast? Are you Looking for a place to discuss technology, detailed tutorials for the EarFun products, or any technologies you expect for our future audio items? This will definitely be your right place!

Deals & Steals: This is a section where you can find EarFun deals, coupons, discounts, offers, giveaways, etc. STEAL YOUR DEALS NOW!

Ideas & Suggestions: You can share any thoughts, experiences, and feedback with us in this section. Your ideas and suggestions shape our future and are really important to us. Feel free to share them with us here!

Please utilize the correct discussion boards for your threads where possible, it just helps to keep things tidy.

You’re now ready to start joining conversations and starting your own threads!

– The EarFun Team

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About The Fitness Category About The Fitness Category

by EarFun Admin Dec 31,2021

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