Fitness ?? FITNESS !!!

Jan 05,2022
Jan 05,2022 at 3:15 am
Jan 05,2022 at 3:15 am

To be honest, I'm not one for fitness much, but every time I have the sudden urge to get fit at 2 am, I turn on this playlist and jam to it. So, if you also have a random urge to get your life together like me at weird times, here is what to listen to (if you also love kpop and the occasional pop punk lol) !!

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Jan 05,2022 at 3:46 am
Jan 05,2022 at 3:46 am

LMAO I'll check it out at 2 am in the morning to see how it is

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Jan 05,2022 at 3:52 am
Jan 05,2022 at 3:52 am
U704517528 said:

LMAO I'll check it out at 2 am in the morning to see how it is

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looking forward to that !!

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