Left earpiece not working on a brand new pair

Nov 29,2023
Nov 29,2023 at 6:48 am
Nov 29,2023 at 6:48 am


I just received yesterday my Air Pro 3, and as I removed the earpieces from the box for the first time, I had 3 seconds of music on the left earpiece before it went silent, and I cannot get it to work again.

I left the phones and the box charging overnight, but when I open the box, only the right earpiece blinks. I tried to factory reset the headset, but I still got no life on the left piece, and worse, I cannot pair to the right one neither (I believe both need to be present for BT pairing?).

I must say I am really disappointed, is there any other course of action than simply returning those and getting my money back?



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