Help w/ button commands on right ear bud.

Apr 24,2022
Apr 24,2022 at 4:55 pm
Apr 24,2022 at 4:55 pm

Hello - purchased these a while back from IndieGoGo.  Happy to see that they've continued!

Enjoy the earbuds, but am running into a problem when I push the right earbud button 2x.  In the past, it would advance to the next song.  Now, it's opening up Google Assistant.  The left earbud still goes back a song when I push it 2x.  And the buttons work as intended when I just push them 1x, to pause/restart the music, to long push to connect or disconnect, etc., so it probably isn't physical issue.

Normally not a big deal, but if I'm exercising, it was really nice to be able to skip to the next song w/ out having the phone in my hand.

I'm on an older Samsung Galaxy S9, running Android.

Any ideas?  Not sure if this is something where I can download some patch from EarFun and update the hardware.  Or if there's some setting in Android that I can change.



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EarFun CS Team

Staff Member

Apr 25,2022 at 6:0 am
Apr 25,2022 at 6:0 am

Hi Roland,


Thanks for choosing EarFun. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


If the other control functions can work well, it means that there is no technique issue of the earbuds. We kindly suggest you try to boost the speed of pressing the earbud, if the pressing speed is slow, the earbud may recognize the wrong command. Kindly note that you need to press the right earbud three times to skip to the next song. You can also hold the right earbud in your left hand, press the control area with the index finger of your right hand to see if it works normally.

Hope the above suggestions work. 




EarFun Customer Service Team


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