Is there a firmware update for the Free Pro 2?

Oct 18,2022
Oct 18,2022 at 3:58 pm
Oct 18,2022 at 3:58 pm

The headphones are pretty ok but do cut out consistently when connected to an iPhone and streaming via the Roku app or streaming via TuneIn. Is there a firmware update available?

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EarFun CS Team

Staff Member

Oct 21,2022 at 10:51 am
Oct 21,2022 at 10:51 am

Hi friend,


Thanks for choosing EarFun. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. 


We kindly suggest you reboot your phone and then reset and reconnect the earbuds per the updated steps:


Step 1. Delete the old connection from the Bluetooth device.

Step 2. Place both earbuds into the charging case.

Step 3. Keep the charging case open, then touch and hold the button on each earbud at the same time for at least 10s until they flash alternately in blue and white then earbuds have been reset successfully.

Step 4. Search and reconnect “EarFun Free Pro 2".


We also suggest you try to connect the earbuds to other models of devices and try the earbuds somewhere the network is better to test whether it is still the same situation. Also, try the earbuds on different occasions.


If the above methods still could not solve your issues, please email to our customer service team via or submit the warranty ticket on our official website: EarFun provides 18-month warranty for every product. Your satisfaction is always greatly important to us.




EarFun Customer Service Team



Report #1 Reply
Jul 20,2024 at 1:56 am
Jul 20,2024 at 1:56 am

Thank you for this solution!

My earpieces stopped being discoverable after using only the Left piece for an extended period of time.., and the reset fixed it.

Report #2 Reply

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Last replied by U411657782

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